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Deutsche Version!!

You want to make unforgettable experiences? Make up your mind and have a look at those possibilities. You can click on the headlines to get detailed examples.

1. True stories

True stories of trustworthy people are always worth being shared. Do you have your own ones? Than write us a mail to We love to hear from you.

2. What really changes

In our team we have experienced things in our lives that have changed us. If you want to find out what´s behind read on!

3. Blog

In our blog people are free to share their experiences concerning wilderness as long as they write truthfully, respectfully and fair against other people.

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Deutsche Version!!

You want to take part in something meaningful? Make up your mind and have a closer look at the following possibilities. Click on the headlines to get more and detailed information!

1. For men

Men need something different than women. If you want to discover or deepen your masculinity then you are just right here.

2. For fathers and sons

Fathers and sons want to experiences adventures! If you are ready to go on REAL adventures you need to read on!

3. For fathers and daughters

Fathers and daughters often also want to experience adventures. But they have their own understanding of adventures. These adventures have to deal with beauty. If you want to surprise your daugher (or your father) you have to read our action history!

4. For the whole family

We have taken time to document meaningful actions for the whole family. We know that it is difficult to fascinate all family members but we have experienced actions that were strong enough to absorb both men and women, adults and kids. Just have a look inside!

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Unser Team

Guiding: Eljakim Seemann, Geprüfter Wildnisführer
Ausbildung beim Internationalen Wildnisführer Verband,
Dipl.-Betr.wirt (BA), Jahrgang 1970.

Organisation: Daniela Seemann,
Messe- und Kongress-Managerin (IHK),
Internationale Management Assistentin, Jahrgang 1971.

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